To say the weather was an issue is an understatement. It was cold, windy and kind of miserable. What I love about the final product though is you can’t tell in the least! I had a blast with this sweet family.

To say the weather was an issue is an understatement. It was cold, windy and kind of miserable. What I love about the final product though is you can’t tell in the least! I had a blast with this sweet family.
I am so grateful we got this session in. They do say, third times a charm! The weather was against us in getting this done. We were even getting drizzled on during this shoot, however, I love how they turned out.
Christie & Maggie It’s no secret I love kids. I enjoy watching their personalities come to life and experience true joy. This session was even more special because I’ve known this family long before this little one was born. It was so much fun to chase her (literally) around the beach.
Beach Christmas Minis The Christmas Beach Mini’s were a huge success this year. I saw some photos on Pinterest and really wanted to create something. I called a couple of friends and we had a blast. That led to several families having a custom session to keep forever. I consider a session a “win” if I can capture unique personality […]