It was a gorgeous December day yesterday in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I had such a great time with this sweet family.

It was a gorgeous December day yesterday in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I had such a great time with this sweet family.
It’s never too late for Christmas Minis You know how before you take a trip you search the area you’re visiting for fun things to do? Have you ever run into something and wanted to do it only to find out that it ends right before you get there? That’s what happened with this family. Mom wanted the minis, but […]
Thank you for your generosity! We’re collecting donations through the end of December. This isn’t the type of session I normally do. I’ve actually never done pet photography before, besides playing around with some of my own dogs. This was blast to have these dogs snuggle up with Santa.
To say the weather was an issue is an understatement. It was cold, windy and kind of miserable. What I love about the final product though is you can’t tell in the least! I had a blast with this sweet family.
The weather was against us, but the stars aligned to get this done! With the family showing up a little early and coming on out and impeccable timing, we were able to capture some amazing memories before the storm!
I am so grateful we got this session in. They do say, third times a charm! The weather was against us in getting this done. We were even getting drizzled on during this shoot, however, I love how they turned out.
We had gorgeous weather for this family. Truly a blessing in the month of December to have sunshine and walk barefoot on the beach! They opted not to use the green tree and buffalo check set up. I love the outfits they chose and this looks like a perfect beach photo.
Christie & Maggie It’s no secret I love kids. I enjoy watching their personalities come to life and experience true joy. This session was even more special because I’ve known this family long before this little one was born. It was so much fun to chase her (literally) around the beach.
Beach Christmas Minis The Christmas Beach Mini’s were a huge success this year. I saw some photos on Pinterest and really wanted to create something. I called a couple of friends and we had a blast. That led to several families having a custom session to keep forever. I consider a session a “win” if I can capture unique personality […]
The Lindquist Family It’s important to have photos that will last a lifetime to look back on your growing family. I had the honor of going to one of my closest friends and capturing these memories. Since their last family picture two of their kids have gotten engaged. There’s so much to love about this picture. It’s truly one of […]